
The Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers


Founded 1995 & Incorporated by Royal Charter 2009

Coroners’ Court Support Service Reception

On 28 September the Renter Warden (Caroline Turnbull-Hall) and Court Assistant Michael Ashdown attended a reception to publicise the work of the Coroners’ Court Support Service (CCSS).

The CCSS is an independent voluntary organisation, which trains volunteers so that they can offer practical help and emotional support to anyone attending an inquest at a Coroner’s Court, be they members of the deceased’s family, witnesses or others.

The reception was held at the Old Bailey by invitation of HHJ Mark Lucraft KC, Recorder for London, with support from the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers. The evening included a short address by Roey Burden OBE, the Founder Trustee, and a film illustrating the work of the CCSS.