
The Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers


Founded 1995 & Incorporated by Royal Charter 2009

Playing Cards

The Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers
25th Anniversary Playing Cards

In support of the Tax Advisers’ Charitable Trust (TACT), as part of The Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers 25th Anniversary Appeal, The Charities Committee of The Company has sourced the design and production of a commemorative twinset of playing cards.

There is still time to order these limited edition sets of cards which are bridge deck size and packaged in a decorative tuckbox. Both the cards and the tuckbox are printed to acknowledge the celebration of 25 years since the founding of The Company and its Charities. The backs of the cards reflect the Livery colours, badge, and motto. The Court cards are bespoke to reflect various forms of taxation through the ages, along with a specially designed ace of spades.

The twin pack sets make a wonderful keepsake to celebrate the 25th anniversary and will also make superb corporate gifts or personal gifts. By purchasing these cards you are enabling TACT to increase its charitable grants and donations across a variety of deserving causes in London.

The price per twinset is £20.00. plus an additional contribution of £3.50 per set towards postage and packaging. For bulk orders of 20 sets or more, postage will be approximately £20.00. Orders will be dispatched upon receipt of payment.

To order your set(s) please complete the form below and send it, via email, to [email protected], please make payment upon placing your order.

Name …………………………

Number of sets required

@ £20.00 per set =

To be collected on 14 December
Mailed (UK) @ £3.50 postage and packaging per set
or £20.00 per bulk order of 20 sets =

Please provide your delivery address …………………………………………………………………………………………

Grand total

Payment is to be made to the Tax Advisers’ Charitable Trust.
HSBC, sort code: 40-03-17, account number: 01134493, reference: cards